From the City of Bellaire:

We have continued to monitor the development of Tropical Depression Beta. Below is an update on city services pending the unknown changing weather conditions and potential impact on affected services tomorrow, Wednesday, September 23.  Any changes to these services will be promptly relayed.  All information is current as of Tuesday, September 22, at 6:00 pm.

Updated city services

The Public Works Department will endeavor to resume normally scheduled solid waste and recycling services on Wednesday, September 23.  However, weather conditions may delay or interrupt this effort.   Out of an abundance of caution, we ask that solid waste and recycling not be placed out this evening, but first thing tomorrow morning.  This includes recycling pick-up for sections A, C, and D; Limbs and Brush for section B.  Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Schedule

City Hall and the Library and pools are closed Wednesday.

Municipal Court is canceled Wednesday, and court service windows are closed.

Police and Fire personnel remain on duty 24/7 for emergency needs.

All departments will be available to answer calls and emails remotely during regular business hours. We expect to return to normal operations on Thursday, September 24.