Announcement from Ross Gordon:

Ross Gordon

Ross Gordon is a licensed Professional Engineer and Certified Floodplain Manager specializing in flood risk management and floodplain management, community planning, disaster response and recovery, and capital improvement planning. Over the past 15+ years, he has dedicated his career to solving complex flooding and infrastructure challenges across Houston and Texas. Mr. Gordon has served as Chair of Bellaire’s Planning and Zoning Commission for the past four years, bringing a passion for consensus building and a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing Bellaire. Mr. Gordon, his wife, and their two small children love living in Bellaire and being a part of this special community. 

Why am I running for Council Member, Position No. 3:

In recent years, the City (Council and Staff) has struggled to function in an orderly manner and has delayed action on critical items important to the strength, appeal, and viability of Bellaire as a premier residential city in the Houston area. Too often, we have trended towards division and infighting, losing sight of the bigger picture and our broader goals. It is clear that Bellaire residents deserve better from their city government. Ultimately, the issues we face will change month to month and year to year, but we can tackle any challenge if we commit to:

1) rebuilding trust and getting government to function properly,
2) ensuring government makes good decisions balancing short-term and long-term considerations, and
3) bringing us back together as a city and community. 

This election represents a significant turning point. We can be defined by conflict, or we can be united by a positive vision and a pragmatic but forward-thinking approach to local government. I’m running to elevate the level of discussion, to change the tenor of City Council, and to represent the interests of Bellaire’s families. I will focus on:

1) delivering good governance,
2) leading with a positive vision,
3) ensuring flood resiliency, and
4) promoting community

Please join me in helping Bellaire to rise to the occasion and become the Bellaire our families deserve. I ask for your vote, your support, and your partnership as we work together, as a community, to tackle the challenges ahead of us and position Bellaire as best place to live in the greater Houston area. 

Please visit to learn more about me and my priorities for Bellaire. 

More Information:

Phone: 713-825-2512