
Liked Forum Posts

RE: New 59 South Ramp

They should be making it 3 lanes so it's not obsolete in 10 years 🤣

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6 years ago
RE: Police on Tamarisk

We are extremely grateful for the outstanding job done by the police and SWAT officers involved on Friday. They were able to resolve the situation without injury to innocent bystanders, themselves or...

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7 years ago
Honoring Officer Zarate

From the Bellaire Police Officer's Association Facebook Page: A wreath is on display at the Great Lawn today in honor of Officer Zarate. Attachment : zarate 2.jpg Attachment : officer zarate...

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7 years ago
HEB opening soon!

It’s official. The new HEB opens June 27. Attachment : BEDE1EE4-96D6-4D61-B7EF-FAF06C5210E8.jpeg Attachment : 1DEB73E7-E59A-4DBB-A0BA-A65CD6EDA975.png

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7 years ago