The City of Bellaire has been applying for all grant funding programs available since Hurricane Harvey, when almost 30% of Bellaire homes flooded.

However, Mayor Friedberg points out in his latest blog post that “historically we’ve not had much success with grant applications, because we’ve been deemed too wealthy a demographic to qualify.”

He says “the types of grants we’re seeking include both home elevation grants (the City acts as subapplicant on behalf of homeowners), and hazard mitigation grants that could be used to fund the ambitious public projects envisioned by our citizen Task Force.

The Mayor points out that “Harvey did not discriminate by impacting only low- to moderate-income communities, and neither should the State Action Plan or HUD requirements limit recovery funding to such areas.”

While there are no guarantees the City will receive any grant money, it won’t be for a lack of trying.

Read the Mayor’s full blog post HERE.