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Police Catch Bank Jugger and Burgler

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From the Bellaire Police Department:

Bank Jugger caught!

An alert citizen noticed a vehicle with dark tint following him as he left a local bank and called Bellaire PD to report it. The "would-be" victim parked his vehicle at a restaurant at which time the suspect attempted to burglarize the vehicle.
Unfortunately for him, Bellaire Police were watching and waiting, so the suspect decided to flee and a pursuit ensued.

Thanks to the Houston Police Department Air Support and K9, the suspect was quickly caught!

Terrance Boatwright Jr was is currently charged with evading arrest with a motor vehicle.
*the LP is blurred as it was stolen from another victim.

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6596007B 6022 46CF A409 0C815746EA2F


Burglar caught!

Early this morning, Officers were dispatched to a burglary alarm and arrived within a minute of the call being received and observed Anthony Foreman inside the store stealing merchandise. After a short foot pursuit, the suspect was caught and arrested. Great job nightshift!!

Anthony Foreman was charged with burglary of a building and also had a warrant for larceny (felony) out of Harris County.

B5425937 D78D 4F0B B950 2BCBC2B45D22


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