I hope TXdot changed its plans to close the Fournace exit to most traffic in their interchange redo! Closing it just temporarily has cause a nightmare at the Bellaire Blvd. exit with huge potential for accidents. People are just stopped on the freeway trying to get over to exit. Traffic is flowing just fine and then the right lane is at a complete stop before you ever get to the exit lane.
It's a disaster waiting to happen!
Yes it's terrible except late at night when there's not much traffic. I live near there and use the Fournace exit multiple times a day so I hope their plan has changed!
I've already heard multiple sirens in that direction a few times so there has probably already been some wrecks.
People drive crazy at this exit. I used it twice today and there were near wrecks both times. You're diving along on the freeway and people just stop.
It's insane!!
The Chronicle says the exit won't open back up until 2020. It doesn't explain how it will be redesigned.
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