April 27
8:00 am


Bellaire’s Annual City Wide Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019. On this day, and this day only, the permit requirement is waived for any Bellaire resident who wishes to hold a garage sale at their home. Residents will be responsible for their own individual advertising, and must follow the sign ordinance listed in Chapter 15, Section 5 of the City of Bellaire Code of Ordinances.

Please Note: There is no rain out date for this event.

BellaireConnect will be publishing our annual list of participants in the Citywide Garage Sale. Participant List

Click HERE to submit your sale.

Not ready for a garage sale on April 27th, or wish to hold one sooner? You will need to obtain a permit from the Development Services Department, located on the first floor of City Hall, at 7008 S Rice Avenue. Click HERE to download the permit application.