From the City of Bellaire:

7/13/24 Message from CenterPoint: CenterPoint Energy is currently sweeping all circuits in Bellaire and have made significant progress.

When restoring power, we prioritize facilities vital to safety, health, and welfare, such as hospitals, water treatment plants and public service facilities. We then make repairs to electrical facilities that will return power to the largest number of customers first, continuing the process until power is fully restored to everyone.

As we encounter more individualized issues, this work is more time consuming and will require access to properties in some cases. If you see our crews around your property, please secure pets and allow them access to your property so they can move forward with the restoration of service. All CenterPoint Energy employees and contractors are required to wear uniforms and carry identification badges. If their identification badges are not visible, they will show them to you upon request. For your safety and theirs, please don’t approach them so they can stay focused on their work. We thank you and appreciate your patience as we continue to restore power throughout our system. CPE


The City of Bellaire is in contact with CenterPoint Energy and can assist in reporting your outages.

Below is a link to the status list that we are aware of at this time:

Report Electrical Outages to Bellaire

Report Electrical Outage