April 17
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Next to the '401


All Bellaire H.S. alums and friends please join us at “77” (next to the 401) to raise $ for student scholarships for deserving Bellaire H.S. graduates! Food, Auction & Fun!!!

There will be a cash bar with appetizers served. Tickets may be purchased for $10 online at: 

The Alumni and Friends of Bellaire High School (AFBHS) is a nonprofit, 501 (c)(3) organization formed in 1993. The organization is composed of non-paid volunteers gathered to help maintain the national standards for which Bellaire High School is known. These volunteers contribute their time, energy and support to the organization.

AFBHS is supported primarily by raising funds from alumni, friends and community businesses. Our goals are to raise money for student scholarships, teacher grants, and school improvements. We strive to provide four (4) $2,000.00 scholarships to graduating seniors each year.

Buy tickets HERE.