Mayor Friedberg’s latest blog post explains the changes to the City’s Dumpster Ordinance.

“Our newly revised dumpster ordinance, adopted last month, cleans all that up by clarifying in Sec. 16-22(a) that the servicing itself is enforceable as a misdemeanor, and that its applicability extends beyond “[a]ny person” to “[a]ny person, corporation or other entity.”  Permitting or assisting a violation is still covered in Sec. 16-27, but without a knowledge requirement.  These revisions give staff more options in issuing and prosecuting citations.

Other amendments include changing dumpster servicing hours, previously 7:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m., to 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. (full disclosure:  I voted to make it 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., same as construction working hours, but I was alone on that vote); requiring dumpsters be covered, secured to prevent leakage and enclosed to keep animals out; updating the language and minimum size of warning signs (concerning servicing hours and unauthorized entry) to be affixed at the opening of every dumpster enclosure; and specifying that the fine of $200 per violation is the minimum, not maximum fine.

The requisite legal notice period having now passed, the revised ordinance goes into effect today.  Again, we’d prefer through education and direct contact with businesses and institutions that they’ll voluntarily comply, but for those recalcitrant few who remain unwilling to work with us staff are fully prepared to issue citations and enforce the law.  Report violations to Development Services, or after hours call the police department non-emergency line, (713) 668-0487.”

Read the full blog post here.