Miracle Fence Work’s quality work in Bellaire and West U earned an invitation to participate in the Fourth Ward Near Down Town Renaissance. Of the following fences, some are old fence Restorations and some are MFW New fencing but all are MW preservative-finished.

If you are thinking you need a new fence you should talk with Miracle Fence Works founder Larry D. Jones to see if your existing fence can be restored to look like new, with a Five Year Warranty. It is much less expensive than a new fence. Larry has done projects in Bellaire, West U, Memorial, and all over Houston.

To find out how your fence can be restored send Larry an email at LDJones59@yahoo.com or leave him a message at 844-744-4050.

Miracle Fence Works

Miracle Fence Works

Miracle Fence Works

Miracle Fence Works

Miracle Fence Works

Miracle Fence Works

Miracle Fence Works